Saturday, August 21, 2010

Melody Line entertains Kiwanis

Melody Line entertains Kiwanis

A singing group that has somehow eluded my attention for the past eight years, Melody Line, provided a great lunchtime show for Greenville Kiwanis Wednesday.
The group has been around for about 30 years. It was even part of an Early Show segment on CBS in 2005.
For good reason. They did everything from spirituals to show tunes. It was a great time.
Kiwanian Joe Payne said they were terrific, but then added, “I’m supposed to say that. My wife is part of the group.”
Oops. Was I not supposed to say that, Joe?
The group consisted of eight ladies, led by Marilyn Light, an accompanist, Terry Fryman, and… well… don’t know if he was an unofficial members or just being picked on… Joe.
They offered to get him one of their blouses.
The group was entertaining, upbeat and provided a great show. Thanks, ladies. Oh, and Joe.
Photos: Joe and wife, Linda, perform a duet, “People will say we’re in love.” Brenda McCoy focuses on the group’s newest “member” during a Disney medley. Kelly VanDeGrift performs a solo.

Bob Robinson is the retired editor of The Daily Advocate, Greenville, Ohio. You can read his comments, opinions and reports at If you wish to receive a daily notification of items posted, send your email address to: Feel free to express your views.

1 comment:

Joe Payne said...

I just happened upon this tonight. I don't know whether to thank you or hit you. hahaha. I enjoy your sense of humor, Bob.