Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guest Opinion Gilbert - BSU Workshop "Intense"

BSU Workshop an “Intense” experience
By Dorothy Gilbert
Mississiniwa Valley High School

Seven days, 60 hours in class, 18 pages of front and back note taking, all for $500… not too bad if you ask me.
The recent Ball State Journalism Workshop was able to teach nearly 300 students their choice of newspaper editing, digital photography, story writing, yearbook, opinion writing and more. Students were able to indulge in seven exciting days of educating themselves to improve their school publications.
The 7-day workshop was divided into two separate workshops. The 5-day portion focused on journalism and newspaper while the weekend workshop, “On the Ball,” was strictly yearbook.
The theme was Intense, and believe me, it was. All that the students and advisors could wrap their minds around was their work assignments and what they were going to do once they got home.
My co-editor and I, from Mississiniwa Valley, were able to develop a yearbook theme, cover, and staff manual. In class we had the chance to read other school papers and gather story ideas and suggestions.
After class there was always time for recreation to clear our minds a little. It was intense activity with volleyball, dizzy bats, and hoola-hoop races. The most competitive was volleyball. On the fifth day the workshop sponsored a "Night of Champions" where the winning volleyball team took on the staff.
After the game was a raffle. Many great prizes were given away such as Footloose, 4GB and 16GB flash drives, Ball State tee shirts, and an I-pod touch. The night ended with a dance, giving the students a chance to socialize and have fun before going home.
Intense was an astounding experience. For anyone even considering journalism, whether it is photojournalism, newspaper design, or simply journalism, as a major, minor, or perhaps a hobby, I would recommend these workshops.

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