Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bits & Pieces - Dismal

A dismal picture
Bits ‘n Pieces
By Bob Robinson

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these… after seeing Monday’s Rasmussen Reports, I knew it was time once again.
Two-thirds of the American people are disgusted with federal policies.
Sixty percent – the highest number yet – want the health care bill repealed. Half of them feel it will hurt the economy.
The Daily Presidential Tracking Poll remains in negative double digits — -19 percent — where it has been (with only a half dozen exceptions) since early February.
Republicans lead by 12 points on the generic Congressional ballot… the largest it has ever been.
Half of America believes it’s too easy to get an abortion today.
The disconnect between our “elected” officials and the rest of America continues to grow: two-thirds of our politicians (67 percent) think we are on the “right track;” 84 percent of voters say we are on the “wrong track.”
Angry about it? Only 8 percent of our politicians are, while 83 percent of voters are.
Especially since the vast majority of Americans (81 percent) now say they know someone who is out of work and looking for a job.
However, before Republicans throw a party and celebrate a “takeover” due to the failures of a Democrat White House and Congress, they need to be aware that more than half of our voters (59 percent) don’t think either party has a clear idea of what is needed to get us back on track.
While Reps will likely make gains in the next election, they need to think carefully about what they are going to do with them.
There’s more. I’ve included the link for those who have the stomach for it…
It’s a dismal picture, folks, but have no fear, the politicians tell us they’re fixing it.
If you are as worried about that “fix” as I am, then you need to become part of the solution: Look very carefully at the candidates and what they stand for, then vote in November.
Have a great day and feel safe and secure. Big Brother watches over us.
Watch for more Bits ‘n Pieces as they occur. Good stuff? Bad stuff? You decide.

Bob Robinson is the retired editor of The Daily Advocate, Greenville, Ohio. If you wish to receive notification of his comments, opinions and reports when they are posted, send your email address to: opinionsbybob@gmail.com. Feel free to express your views.

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