Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Guest Opinion - Stegall, Majority Rules

The Majority Rules
Mike Stegall
Republican Candidate for Darke County Commissioner

            As I write this, the Greenville school district has just come through a very hard and controversial School bond vote. At this time, the levy was losing by about 76 votes. If you read any comments about the levy, it is easy to see how divided the community was.  Feelings ran very strong on both sides, and as in any election, someone loses and someone wins.  But let’s stop and think about the process. The entire community had the chance to voice their opinion, and over 5500 did just that. 
            Our system is based on majority rule.  The majority in this case have chosen not to fund a school.  That is their choice. Those of us who wanted a school now have two choices. One is to try and convince enough people that a new school is needed before we try again, and two, we must learn to live with the majority vote.  I think in all of this what has been lost is how successful our voting process is.  We don’t have to like the outcome, but we must respect it.  Their voice is just as important as ours.  I do believe in being a gracious loser.  That does not mean we must quit and let the majority run over us.
            Thomas Jefferson said, “All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority in all cases is to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possesses their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.”  We are allowed to try and change the result.  This system works the best when we all realize how important each vote is, not just ours.  You have heard it before, but it is true: every vote counts and everyone’s vote is important.  So, let’s be civil to each other and realize that this system, no matter how much we hate the outcome, either way, allows us to have a voice. 
            To those of you who did not vote, I ask, “Why not?”  You did not participate in a process that people have died and fallen for to give you, to make sure you continue to have that right.  Do not take it lightly!  By not voting you are doing what most of us complain about, being led by people we did not want, and living with decisions we do not like.  It is true that bad politicians and decisions are elected by those who do not vote!  I have said before that our system works best with an informed electorate. I use the word informed because it is imperative that all voters be educated on the issues.  As a minority voter in this election, our only hope is that the majority, who deserves the credit for getting to the polls, have spent enough time educating themselves on the issue. 
            I do hope that the majority looked at the issue, studied it, found out all they could, and dismissed rumors and falsehoods that surrounded this issue on both sides.  If you are a majority voter in this case, and you looked at this issue in this way, you are to be commended.  You were a responsible voter, and that is what this country needs. We need people who care enough to find out the truth, and vote accordingly.  If you went to the polls and voted on your emotion, then you did no one, including yourself, any good.  This is true for the minority, too.  We don’t need people who “feel” about an issue, we need ones who “think”.  So for now the majority rules and they say we do not need a new school. So be it.  Are they right? Who knows, only time will tell.

1 comment:

josh said...

mr stegall, don't be in such a hurry to say its over,we have until 8/16/2010.somtimes you open your mouth and should keep it shut.don't be so overbearing