Life support
Bits ‘n Pieces
By Bob Robinson
Hey folks, I’d love to be the bearer of good news… I really would. But then I’d be guilty of the same things that many Dems in Washington, the top guy in the White House, and their lock-in-step media supporters are guilty of:
Creating the news and a false sense of comfort.
Yesterday, I posted a couple of Newsmax reports. I wrote about the loss of Democrat support for our beleaguered president in today’s Daily Advocate, and compared his performance to that of his predecessor.
I keep searching for something positive… but I can’t find it!!
As I’ve noted before, I follow Rasmussen Reports on a daily basis. Pres. Obama’s disapproval rating has once again hit its previous low today, -20 percent.
In Rasmussen’s weekly summary, the report hit a few more highlights that I didn’t touch on yesterday:
81 percent of American adults know someone who is out of work and looking for a job.
16 percent of Americans who have a job consider themselves among the “working poor.”
Most voters believe that the health care bill was a step in the wrong direction, and support for its repeal has hit a new high… 60 percent. The same number also believes their elected representatives don’t care what they think.
There’s a lot more… but it’s all bad. For those of you who wish to feed your masochistic tendencies, check it out at:
Our only saving grace is that we have a chance to change the flavor in Washington in November. If we succeed in that, we have to figure out how to keep a lame duck Congress from destroying us before it goes down in flames at the end of the year.
Not sure how we are going to do that, but first things first…
Remember, the Great Unwashed is fickle. The American people are fed up today, but it’s still more than two months to judgment day. Don’t don your party hats yet… there’s lots of work to do.
In Ohio, Gov. Ted Strickland still trails Republican challenger John Kasich. And chances are looking good for Reps in all Ohio statewide races.
Let’s do our job at the polls in November. Then let’s put muzzles on those who would “take us down with the ship” before they retire on their obnoxiously affluent retirement benefits.
We may be on life support right now, but we’ve been known to rebuild from worse. We are what has made America great for more than two centuries.
Have a great day and feel safe and secure. Big Brother watches over us.
Watch for more Bits ‘n Pieces as they occur. Good stuff? Bad stuff? You decide.
Bob Robinson is the retired editor of The Daily Advocate, Greenville, Ohio. If you wish to receive notification of his comments, opinions and reports when they are posted, send your email address to: Feel free to express your views.
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