Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rhoades - Congrats to Joe... well, maybe

     The installation of Joe Payne as the new GSD board member brings some interesting questions.  First will he be able to tame the pink elephant that is still in the middle of the room.  Second, the board, which is aware of the elephant in the middle of the room, once again shot themselves in the foot by not appointing an applicant from the Gettysburg area who applied for the position.  The board seems to be hesitant to involve themselves with anyone who doesn't fit a particular mold that they have unofficially established.

     In the meantime, the Ohio Graduation Test scores loom large over our heads with this years results soon to be published.  Will we once again finish last against all schools in a 25 mile radius?  And what about passing a bond levy?  Maybe a board member from the Gettysburg area would have done just a little to bring those folks on board.  Guess we'll never know about that, will we.
     Bottom line is something has to happen.  Hopefully Joe Payne is a sleeper.  Hopefully Joe Payne will be able to ask the hard questions and not let up until he gets an answer. Hopefully Joe Payne has a little hell's fire and brimstone he can throw out during a meeting to get us off of dead center.
Congratulations Joe Payne, you certainly have your work cut out for you.  Let's hope that the Big Pink Elephant in the middle of the room doesn't get any bigger.

If you haven't been following Bob Rhoades' commentaries regarding the Greenville School District and the Big Pink Elephant, go to...

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