Thursday, September 23, 2010

TEA Patriots Sept. 21

Could the Autumn Equinox have had an impact on this meeting?  The Druids may have celebrated this unique event every year but a Patriotic Christian group, at best acknowledges the four special times during the passing of a year but without any special meaning.
An outstanding prayer by Denis Forte started the meeting—immediately followed by a resounding Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.
The usual open discussion regarding timely issues was shortened.  The issues discussed were – 1. New government requirements regarding electrical home appliances; 2. Prohibition against digging on the beach in Florida and 3. What would each person do if the November 2 General Election was postponed?
Earlier in the day, I was asked to schedule a period at our meeting for Thomas Tabback and based on his commitment to the sanctity of life, I added him to our list of speakers.  As it happened, our other speakers were prevented for various reasons from coming to our meeting and Mr. Tabback was a marvelous substitute.  In addition to offering an outstanding presentation regarding God and Country, Mr. Tabback made a gift to all present of his outstanding book “Things Forgotten”.  This is a file photograph of Mr. Tabback obtained from the internet.  He was present with his wife and four children.  Based on discussion with Mr. Tabback, his family started on this mission 73 weeks ago after liquidating the majority of their worldly goods in Texas.  He indicated that they will spend a significant amount of their time in Ohio because he believes that Ohio is the heart of the United States and the change needed in our county will start in its heart.                              
Mike Stegall and Dave Niley were not able to attend this meeting but were invited to come to the September 28, 2010 meeting.
Thomas Subler presented an excellent report on the progress made by the School Committee. His information included the staff and salary of the individuals supporting Superintendent Gray and the expenditures of the Darke County Schools for the first five months of 2010. Anyone interested in this vital school information is welcome to a copy.  A request tended to Al Bliss at 548 5687 will be honored within two days.
The next DARKE T.E.A. PATIOTS Meeting will be on Tuesday September 28, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. at the Lighthouse Christian Center.  TEA PATRIOT SIGNS should be available at this meeting.  Join us—there are only 41 days left until the General Election

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