Thursday, September 16, 2010

Darke TEA Patriot meeting report

            A Prayer prepared by U.S. Army Chaplain Captain Carl Subler and the  Pledge of Alligiance to our Flag with NO sound amplification started this very enthusiastic meeting.
            A review of the DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS Mission statement followed by a presentation of impressions of the  August 28 Glenn Beck Rally establishes a  basis for forty five minutes of open discussion about the following topics:

  • Actions taken by Spanish people to counteract their government’s approval to build a mosque
  • Question regarding amensty for all illigal aliens
  • Petition regarding impeaching President Obama
  • Signs by the DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS all of Darke County
  • A phone call tree procedure
The determination of the final questions to be used for selected local and state candidates resulted in the deletion of a few questions and modification of a few others that should result in a process that helps us learn the knowledge level of the candidate and of equal importance, the attitude of the candidate.
The final subject of the evening was an excellent report focused on the School Committee actions. The information regarding Superintendent Gray’s staff and an outstanding request for fiscal data was timely and explecite. The conclusion of the report touched on the need to make the state school system a twenty first century versus nineteenth century organization.
            Very enthusiastic  discussion regarding planned effort to focus DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS actions on the General Election (49 days away) with special attention on the County Commissioner election and on the School Board conduct filled the balance of the progam.    
The next meeting will be      next tuesday
@    6:00 P.M.     september 21, 2010.

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