Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Big Pink Elephant

The Big Pink Elephant

It appears that there is a big pink elephant in the middle of the room and no one wants to talk about it. Before the last election a lot of people did a lot of campaigning for and against a levy for a new school. I don't know if any of them looked at the real facts.  This blog has unearthed a lot of cold, hard facts.  Numbers usually don't lie, especially when they can be backed up with facts.  In this case the research that I did came from the Board of Elections and the Ohio Department of Education.

These facts show very plainly that people within the city limits of Greenville pretty much support the schools and with only a couple of exceptions, everyone else whom we've invited into the system in years past doesn't support the schools at all.  It's right there in black and white.  No one has said a word about it.

Copy and paste for the rest of the article...

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