Thursday, September 23, 2010

Letter from a TEA Patriot

November Is Coming
The upcoming election will be here before we know it.  Everyone needs to inform themselves about the candidates and what they stand for.  A great way to do that is to attend the Darke T.E.A. Patriots’ meetings on Tuesdays at 6:00 at the Christian Lighthouse Center. 
We will be inviting state and county candidates to our meetings to answer questions. Here are a few questions that will be asked.  Will you make it easier for businesses to locate in Darke County by lowering taxes from the state and county and reduce state and local regulations?  Will you make this a priority?  What will you do to reduce government jobs and programs.
You CAN make a difference.  If you are not registered to vote, please go to the board of elections before the deadline of October 4.  Please join us so we can educate ourselves as much as possible before this important election. 
Thank you,
Angie Bruns

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