Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Citizens 4 Change Mission

Unity in our Community

Citizens4Change Mission seeks to improve our community in Greenville, Ohio through action plans for change, which contribute to the health and vitality of the community.
The purpose, for which Citizens4Change is organized, is to serve as a forum to enable citizens of our community to openly and honestly discuss issues that concern our city, Greenville, Ohio and to find common ground in order to take action on projects that ensure an economic, social, and safe sound future. .... Citizens Change is a bipartisan group, affiliated with no political party.
C4C believes in starting with what we know. Could be our own street and neighborhood, our schools, properties within our city, senior citizens needing assistance, and many other needs that our city needs to be stronger. Just because the problems are big, doesn't mean that we have to solve them all at once.  C4C understands that it can be hard talking about what's wrong with our community without appearing to blame particular individuals or groups.  With that, we as citizens can become proactive instead of reactive and become involved in a community wide initiative to take back our communities.  As citizens’ of this community we know how it came to be, who and what is important, and why. C4C believes that it is imperative that our community needs real input from our residents. If we, the citizens do the Roadwork, C4C believes that we will never look at our community—its buildings, streets, and public spaces—the same way again.  C4C as a group may be able to avoid unnecessary battles, and to win the ones that count.
C4C Purpose:
1. To develop an action plan for change.
2. To educate residents on the issues of our city.
3. To form a big enough group to make change.
4. To celebrate the town’s successes in projects we achieve.
Kathy Beam
Member & Founder

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