Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Booker's Look, by Alan Booker

Well where was I? Oh yeah I remember, Wagner Ave... Sorry someone stepped back into my life and I was trippin' a little thinking. Well now, Just past the Y was one of the best hamburgers (in my opinion) but did not last long was Borden Burger, but that was not first it came later Greenville North's trip into the modern times was our very first McDonald's which after you passed the Y and a farm you found those golden arches (Aldi's now) well then some more pasture and our ver own shopping center!!!! Wahooo! It was a big deal then and merchants obviously saw the potential of the North side (as evident now) the shopping center's marquise was Big N which had everything you ever needed except food! I want to chat a little about the Airport too but time just ran out on me will fill you in during this week Have a great Thanksgiving everyone and please PLEASE remember those in harms way!!

Bless you all

Keep remembering it helps


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