Monday, May 31, 2010

What Memorial Day Means to Me

I survived my remarks at the Hollansburg Memorial Service better than I thought I would, and I thoroughly enjoyed the people I met today.
There were probably 50 or 60 people there… great people who take their Memorial service seriously. I was pleased and proud to be a part of the ceremony.
I also heard some great stories. The one I enjoyed most was the warning that one member of the “firing squad” has a live round… to be used if the speaker goes on too long. I was advised of this several times.
Well, I’m here to post this, so I must have kept my comments within reasonable limits.
I hope they will mean as much to you as they did to me, and to those who thanked me for them afterwards.

Hollansburg Memorial Service, May 31, 2010

I would like to thank Allen Howell and Hollansburg American Legion Post 708 for this honor. I am deeply appreciative of being given the opportunity to speak on behalf of many Americans who take this day to remember those who have served.
Those who have served… Memorial Day… What do those words mean?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lockhart Honors Veterans

Lockhart honors veterans

Memorial Day brings out the best in many Americans. While to some, the weekend is little more than one of several 3-day holidays that we have come to expect and enjoy, to others it is a time for reflection on – and thanks to – those who have sacrificed to safeguard our liberties.
Or maybe it’s just that over this particular weekend, we choose to notice the “best” that exists in us all. Maybe it would behoove us to notice that “best” a little more often… like all year long?
I would like to thank GHS 2010 graduate Patrick Lockhart for his service, which he begins next month, and for the unique method he has chosen to honor our veterans. I’d also like to thank Lyn Bliss, Senior Scribe, for recognizing and writing about it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Verity - Which Service?

“Verity - the quality or state of being true or real; Balderdash – nonsense.”
Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Which service?
Verities & Balderdash
By Bob Robinson

This story was posted on the Internet. Since I’m interest in the message but can’t verify its origin, I’ve removed the individual’s name and the specific locations. I’m simply sharing it as a “Verity.” If I’ve judged its source incorrectly, I apologize in advance.
Please, please, remember this as you prepare for your Memorial Day festivities. Remember the reason for our annual 3-day “holiday”…

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Opinion - Thank You

Thank you
In My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

Day is done, gone the sun,
From the hills, from the lake, from the sky.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.
This is just one verse of many written for the time-honored Taps that had brought tears to my eyes so many times in my life. I shouldn’t be surprised, considering the history and impact of this unique American tradition.
Jari A. Villanueva, a graduate of Peabody Conservatory and Kent State University, researched the history of Taps. In his paper, “24 Notes That Tap Deep Emotions,” he said there were different stories regarding its origin.

Key Club Service gains Momentum

It isn’t too often that I get write about something terrific, so I’m taking this opportunity to applaud a group of young people who continue to make me proud, and deserve the recognition of the community they serve.
Three years ago I was given permission by the Board of Directors of Greenville Kiwanis to assume the role of Advisor for a struggling Key Club at Greenville High School. I hadn’t a clue what I could do that wasn’t done before me… we knew that student leadership was the key. But I wanted to give it a shot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Report on the County Budget: 2010

The Darke County T.E.A. Patriots, in addition to promoting general conservative values, has chosen to address two specific local issues: district school budgets and the Commissioners Office.
If you are interested in trying to bring our country’s leadership back to the values that have made the United States great, and addressing specific issues here at home, join us. We meet at 6 p.m. every other Tuesday at the Christian Lighthouse on St. Hwy. 127. Next meeting is June 8.
Following is the first report on the Commissioners Office prepared for Tuesday’s meeting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Opinion - Angry yet?

Angry yet?
In My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

The following was forwarded to me by a friend… will it sound familiar to you? Probably not… I’ve seen several news bites about this particular event, but no one reported the evident translation problems. My thanks to Charlie and Yahoo News.
It was a news feed by AP: Calderon visit marred by poor translation.
Here is the meat of it:
“WASHINGTON – A halting and grammatically incoherent English translation marred Mexican President Felipe Calderon's arrival ceremony at the White House Wednesday, rendering his remarks difficult to understand.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Balderdash - Life is Tough

“Verity - the quality or state of being true or real; Balderdash – nonsense.”
Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Life is tough
Verities & Balderdash
By Bob Robinson

I was going to do a Verity this week, but in scrolling through the submissions I’d received over the months I found these. Balderdash rules… verities can wait another week or two. Let me know if you can get through this without a good laugh, or three or five.
The first set has special meaning for me since I’ve spent so much of my life in the journalism fields, and also attempt to teach college students the proper use of the English language. The task becomes more difficult when young people are exposed to headlines like these in their local papers…
Note the comments are almost as good as the headlines.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Opinion - A Royal Pain

A royal pain
In My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

“I do NOT want to add any more debt… I want to get rid of the debt we have.”
Not my words. Mike Stegall’s.
I met with Mike for about an hour and a half Monday morning. We covered a number of issues, among them county debt, communication and the infamous courthouse addition project.
My reasons for the meeting were two-fold. I am obligated by party affiliation to support Republican candidates at all levels. That includes the Republican candidate for Darke County Commissioner. Mike is that candidate. I wanted to discuss his approach to the office, when elected, now that the primary campaign is over. And I wanted to make the case for my supporters… the reasons they supported me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Guest Opinion - Don Wright

Courthouse Expansion Project
Guest Opinion
By Don Wright

At this moment I hold a copy of a letter dated July 28, 2009, between my thumb and trigger finger.
This letter is from Juvenile Judge Michael McClurg to the slow boys and one term Delaplane in the Darke County Commissioners office.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Balderdash - Male vs Female

“Verity - the quality or state of being true or real; Balderdash – nonsense.”
Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Male vs Female
Verities & Balderdash
By Bob Robinson

Welcome to the Balderdash offering of my revived V&Bs. Except for occasional editing changes and opinion inserts, these are not my creations but rather email “clutter” that has been sent to me in the past… and some of them are just too funny not to share.
In keeping with the time-honored tradition of bashing huge segments of my readership, this offering will be a recent change in a bank’s instructions for using its drive-up ATM machines. Ladies, before you rush out to buy the tar and feathers for my unscheduled trip out of town, please remember that I’m not “endorsing,” just “reporting.”
With a few modifications, it works for men, too.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Opinion - We blew it

We blew it
In My Opinion
By Bob Robinson

This has been another interesting week. The election is over… yet it isn’t.
I’ve spent a lifetime voting for Republicans, so Ohio law already considered me a one; however for journalistic reasons I was never an active member. When I became a candidate, it was time. I became active.
I joined the Darke County Republican Mens Club, then toward the end of the year offered my services as its Second Vice President. This year I was voted First V.P. I don’t take my commitments lightly. I pledged to support the efforts of Republican candidates for office.
I’m meeting with my former opponent to talk about his election bid, which culminates in November with three opponents (maybe) on the ballot.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring Fling

I would like to promote something that is near and dear to my heart.
The Senior Scribes presented four $1,000 scholarships to deserving Darke County students this year. They hope to do the same (or even more) next year. The way they do this is through fundraisers and donations. This is one of them... and you can have a blast to boot.

I hope you will join us Saturday for good "snackies," good music and dancing, and good times. It will be held at Christian Lighthouse Center, doors open at 5 p.m. The cost is $8 for a single; $15 for a couple. Tickets can be purchased at Tropical Isle, corner of Martin and S. Broadway.

You don't have to be a senior to enjoy... I hope you will join us. If you just want to donate to my favorite charity, check out its web site at, or send your check to Tropical Isle, 619 S. Broadway, Greenville 45331.

Thanks everyone, and God Bless,

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Vertity - Mother's Day

“Verity - the quality or state of being true or real; Balderdash – nonsense.”
Miriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Mother’s Day
Verities & Balderdash
By Bob Robinson

In future V&Bs (that’s Verities & Balderdashes for those of you who don’t like acronyms) I will be giving you my version of a verity (truth) and/or my version of balderdash (nonsense).
Sunday is a special day. It is the one day out of the year when we honor our mothers. Like the days we choose to honor those who devote their lives for our country, we choose this day to honor those who give us life, and their life’s blood to prepare us for adulthood.
In both cases, I believe that honoring these unique and wonderful individuals should be a year-round project.
It is fitting that in my first newly revived V&B, I get to offer the verities of motherhood. I hope you enjoy. They are dedicated to my Mom, my sisters, my wife Susan, my late wife Jeanne and mother of my children… and all of the other caring mothers of the world.
You know you're a mother when...

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone,

If you have been reading "In My Opinion" and "Verities & Balderdash" over the years when I was editor of The Advocate, you will recognize these columns. They're back. And this time, you can submit your own comments. I hope you will enjoy reading and responding to them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Take care and God Bless,