Friday, October 8, 2010

Reason: Dismantling a Monstrous Government

Dismantling a Monstrous Government

Every candidate for political office since the beginning of time (well, almost) says he or she is going to cap or dismantle government spending.
Few, if any, tell you how. Reason Magazine, in its November issue, gives you: 14 Ways to Dismantle a Monstrous Government, One Program at a Time.
Following are the headings. Go to for the details, link below.

Overhaul Medicaid
Bring the Troops Home
Erase Federal Education Spending
Slash State Budgets
End Defined-Benefit Pensions
Declare Defeat in the Drug War
Cancel the Federal Communications Commission
Uproot Agricultural Subsidies
Unplug the Department of Energy
Dismantle Davis-Bacon
Repeal the Stimulus
Spend Highway Funds on Highways
Privatize Public Lands
End (or at Least Audit) the Fed

For details, go to:

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