Monday, January 10, 2011

County News Online

County News Online
Is Now Available

Hi everyone – check it out… this is the message you will see - along with all the news and opinion for today - on our new website, County News Online:

Our Purpose: Not to compete, but to enhance

Jan. 10, 2011 - This is where you will see unique stories of people, organizations and events, some of which you won’t find anywhere but on County News Online. You will also find the widest variety of social and political opinions anywhere. Other features include information and links to web sites of interest... local, obituaries, state and national news and opinion. Your One Stop Shop!

You won’t see all the news here… this is a volunteer effort. Our intention is not to compete with your other sources of news, but to enhance your information experience. What you see will often be exclusive and it will be news you can trust!

Check out the tabs at the top of the page. Some of the articles you will remember from That’s My Opinion… during the trial period, articles were presented there then posted here. It was a test run to make sure everything ran smoothly – or relatively so – but we also wanted you to have some of the information you read earlier to make this transition smoother.

One thing the blog couldn’t do was differentiate between news, community, events and opinions. Now you can go directly to your areas of interest.

New to County News Online readers are sections for resources, archives, obituaries, the offerings of The Senior Scribes and a small but growing group of Teen Scribes. Other options will be made available as we continue to grow…

All the while maintaining a simple, easily navigated site for your convenience.

Another new feature is the opportunity for businesses and individuals to have a strong, positive impact on our Darke County community. Sponsors for the site have already offered their support to The Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund. Thank them when you see and do business with them… Their support will help provide scholarships for deserving Darke County teens pursuing an education in a communications-related field.

Would you like to join us? Click “Contact” and let us know how you would like to help.

To those who have been reading That’s My Opinion for the past six months… thank you! The growth of readership during this time has been phenomenal; without your support, this project could never have been conceived or attempted.

To those who have never read my blog, I hope you will enjoy what we have to offer. This is a joint effort of The Senior Scribes and The Senior Scribes Scholarship Fund… the time and effort of many people have led to this day.

We are proud of our effort and look forward to providing a new – different – source of information, news and opinion… and helping our young people reach their dreams!

God Bless,
Bob Robinson

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